It is March madness time and our new Hornby products are on sale from 9am March 2nd until midnight March 31st. Once our Hornby products are gone they will not be replaced. A 10% discount will be applied automatically at the checkout to new Hornby products.

DG203008 CORGI (LLEDO) Bedford CA van in "Ovaltine" blue livery

DG203008 CORGI (LLEDO) Bedford CA van in "Ovaltine" blue livery


Regular price $15.00 Sale

 Bedford CA van in "Ovaltine" blue livery

Ovaltine has been a family favourite for over 100 years.
Since its humble beginnings in a Swiss laboratory, millions of families have grown up with the delicious, wholesome goodness of Ovaltine drinks and the brand still lives on today offering a variety of malt based drinks