It is March madness time and our new Hornby products are on sale from 9am March 2nd until midnight March 31st. Once our Hornby products are gone they will not be replaced. A 10% discount will be applied automatically at the checkout to new Hornby products.

DCC24 GAUGEMASTER 8-pin 3-function 1A (1.5A peak) OPTI direct plug decoder

DCC24 GAUGEMASTER 8-pin 3-function 1A (1.5A peak) OPTI direct plug decoder


Regular price $40.00 Sale

DCC24 Opti 8Pin Direct Decoder

3 Function, 1 Amp, 8Pin Direct Decoder

With no harness. Back EMF.

14-28-128 Speed Steps, 1.25mA Function output

Dia: 25mm X 11mm X 5.3mm