It is March madness time and our new Hornby products are on sale from 9am March 2nd until midnight March 31st. Once our Hornby products are gone they will not be replaced. A 10% discount will be applied automatically at the checkout to new Hornby products.

DM26 PARKSIDE 2 Hudson single bolster wagons with "H" girder load
DM26 PARKSIDE 2 Hudson single bolster wagons with "H" girder load

DM26 PARKSIDE 2 Hudson single bolster wagons with "H" girder load


Regular price $19.00 Sale

Two Hudson Single Bolster Wagons with 'H' Girder Load 

This kit contains two one-piece plastic bogies with plastic bolsters which can swivel, if required.

The wagons can be singly or in pairs.

Kit also contains two X "H" girder load, chain etc. Complete with metal wheels.

Designed to use Bemo OO9 couplings (not included)

Manfactured by R.Hudson LTD of Leeds these bolster wagons were shown in their post W.W.1 catalogue. They were supplied singley or in pairs and when used in pairs were designed for carrying girders, rails and logs etc.

These finely moulded plastic wagon kits come complete with pin point axle wheels.

Couplings, glue and paint will be required, along with appropriate transfers