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DCC 36-557 Bachmann 1A E-Z Command Decoder - analogue compatible

DCC 36-557 Bachmann 1A E-Z Command Decoder - analogue compatible


Regular price $55.00 Sale

A 21 Pin (21MTC) DCC Decoder suitable for models fitted with a 21 Pin DCC decoder socket (do not use with the Bachmann Branchline Class 90 – use 36-569A with these models).

Highlights include:

Dual-mode DCC/DC decoder with Back EMF function

10 powered function outputs (+8 logic level outputs and 2 logic level/SUSI outputs)

1.5A continuous load

Suitable for models equipped with DC motors (including coreless motors)

Brake Button function for realistic control of braking (operates on F2)

Operating Modes

NMRA/DCC with 14, 28 and 128 speed steps

Short and Long addresses

DCC and DC operation (DC operation is de-selectable)

Automatic recognition of operational mode and DCC speed step selection

Supports Lenz® LG 100 braking sections

Supports ABC braking sections

Motor Control Features

Suitable for models equipped with DC motors (including coreless motors)

1.5A continuous load

Motor regulation with pulse width frequency from 10kHz to 50kHz

Motor output overload protection; Back EMF (de-selectable)

Function Outputs

10 powered function outputs with overload protection (4 via 21MTC pins, 6 via solder pads)

10 logic level outputs (8 via 21MTC pins, 2 via solder pads)

250mA load per output

500mA total load of all function outputs

2 additional logic outputs

Shunting speed and momentum key selectable

Brake Button function for realistic control of braking (operates on F2)


21.4mm x 15.5mm x 4.5mm