This kit replaces the original motor with a high quality coreless motor offering improved low speed control. Can be fitted to the following B0-B0 models using the Type 7, M1309, M2209, X1676, X1737, X1846, X6255, X8202, X8211, X8235, X8246, X 8259, X8777, X8809, X9017, Mabuchi E18 motors:
0-4-0T Pug,
Class 08,
Class 0F ,
Class 3F,
Class 4P (Fowler),
Class 58,
Class 142 ,
Class 466,
Class A1X Terrier,
Class B12,
Class J13,
Class J52,
Class J83,
Class J94 ,
GWR 1400,
GWR 2721,
SR West Country,
Thomas the train,
Toy Story train
The following loco part numbers are covered by this kit: