This kit replaces the original motor with a high quality coreless motor offering improved low speed control. Can be fitted to the following models using the X8438 (X803) 3-Pole Ringfield motor.
Class 37
Class 47
Class 4P,
Class 4P Compound
Class 5
Class 52
Class 6P PatriotClass 7MT Morning Star
Class 8F
Class 8P CoronatiClass 8P Princess Royal
Standard Class 9F
Class 92
Class A3
Class A4
Class B17/4
Class D49 Shire/Hunt Class
GWR 2800
GWR 2900
GWR 3800 County Class
GWR 6000
Schools Class
Other non-B0-B0 locos
This kit can be used for the following catalogue numbers: