Winter 2025 sale begins 9am January 6th ending February 8th at midnight, save 15% on used Locomotives, Wagons and Coaches. Discount automatically applied at the checkout.

GM200 Gaugemaster 5 Metre of flexible Grey Ballasted Underlay for Code 100 track

GM200 Gaugemaster 5 Metre of flexible Grey Ballasted Underlay for Code 100 track


Regular price $28.00 Sale

5 Meters (16ft aprox) of foam underlay with granite ballast bonded to the foam. Very flexible and easy to work with thanks to sleeper indentations. The track just falls into place and gets pinned down using longer pins. For additional effect you can use the corresopnding loose ballast to fill in any areas which require more ballast such as yards or stations.

A much faster and easier approach than using real granite ballast.  An application of grey spray paint before laying the ballast protects the foam from UV breakdown.