It is March madness time and our new Hornby products are on sale from 9am March 2nd until midnight March 31st. Once our Hornby products are gone they will not be replaced. A 10% discount will be applied automatically at the checkout to new Hornby products.

SL-E399F PECO Asymmetric 3-Way Code 55 Finescale - N gauge

SL-E399F PECO Asymmetric 3-Way Code 55 Finescale - N gauge


Regular price $90.00 Sale

The 3 way turnout is an ideal way to save space on station approaches, junctions etc.

Despite a low visible rail height of just 1.4mm, all brands of N Gauge model locomotives will run on this track.

The ingenious rail section of PECO 55 combines strength and durability with a highly realistic appearance and uses the same universal rail joiners as Code 80

Technical Specification: Length: 153mm Frog Angle: 10 Degrees Radius: 457mm

Recommended to be used with:

SL-310 Conducting Rail Joiners: Nickel Silver for PECO Code 80/55 track

SL-311 Insulated Rail Joiners for PECO Code 80/55 track

SL-14 Track Fixing Pins