It is March madness time and our new Hornby products are on sale from 9am March 2nd until midnight March 31st. Once our Hornby products are gone they will not be replaced. A 10% discount will be applied automatically at the checkout to new Hornby products.

R8099 HORNBY Couplings (10 per pack)                                            

R8099 HORNBY Couplings (10 per pack)                                            


Regular price $22.00 Sale

This pack of ten Coupling Assemblies are for non-NEM socket and can be used on older models of locomotives, coaches, and wagons manufactured by Hornby and Dapol - newer models use NEM Couplings.

Other couplings are available from Hornby:

  • R7200 Small Coupling Assembly
  • R8219 NEM Small Couplings
  • R8220 NEM Pocket Couplings
  • R8267 NEM Medium Width Couplings
  • R8268 NEM Large Width Couplings

Note: NEM Coupling are for use with most British manufactured locomotives, coaches, and wagons such as Hornby, Bachmann, and Dapol.